Tag Archives: writers and artists

Daily Rituals for Creatives

7 Oct

picture of book "Daily Rituals"

I found this book to be very interesting.  It was published in 2013, so it’s widely available, and I did manage to borrow a copy from the local library.  You should be able to locate a copy easily.

The editor, Mason Currey put together detailed information on the daily habits and rituals of writers, painters, philosophers, and scientists.  It’s in a short format and easy to read.  It’s interesting that there are so many different types of personalities and creative routines and habits.  Some love it noisy, busy and loud while others are near reclusive.  Some creatives find morning work preferable, others late into the evenings.  Regardless of their environment or hours, the common thread is that they make time for the creating.

This book reminds me that habits can be a key to productivity and a work routine actually provides freedom.  There is no hard and fast rule on HOW to be creative, so it’s really up to each individual creative person to figure out what works best for themselves.

This book stirred me to think about what habits and rituals I have that are helpful or not, and what I can change.  I’d love to hear if others have thought about their own rituals?

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