Archive | November, 2022

What’s in a Challenge?

30 Nov
“Fences” watercolor by Katie Turner 2022

Yes, it’s true that 30 day challenges have been all over social media for years now but have you considered how one could help push you quickly into a new wave of creative exploration?

Many of us are heading into a busy season so considering another project right now might not be on your mind but consider exploring a 30 day challenge in the New Year, once things subside.

These can be self-imposed or something you do in a group.  You can choose to share your work or keep it purely for yourself. You can come up with your own structure and rules based on what you want to get out of the short-term challenge.

If you are someone who needs peer pressure then posting on social media or in a group might be a good rule.  If consistency is your goal, then think about setting aside a certain time of day and prepping your supplies prior to the start so you are ready to create.  You could even order some pre-cut mats and sleeves so you are able to see your day-to-day painting progress as finished pieces.

When you are thinking about what rules to apply to yourself consider these:

  1. Subject Matter
  2. Size
  3. Substrate or painting surface
  4. Medium
  5. Tools & Brushes
  6. Time Limits
  7. Rules (to break)

The rules are your choice.  You can make it as easy or as challenging as you want.  Remember that if something isn’t working for you, then change it up.  The most important goal is to explore your creativity.

After you’ve completed your 30 day challenge, consider journaling about your experience.  What did you learn about yourself from it?  What was the biggest challenge?  What was something that was a pleasant surprise?

Did you recently complete a 30-day challenge?  Please feel free to share below.


Color Inspiration

29 Nov

“The Secret Lives of Color” (by Kassia St. Clair) covers 75 shades from white to imperial purple with the most interesting and unusual stories to pique your interest.  I found this book to be a quick read and inspirational.  I looked up my favorite colors to read about them.  I never thought about colors having a history and background.  I can look at my paint palette with new insight.

If you’ve read this book, let me know if you enjoyed it as well.
